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Behavior Plan

To follow up the prize box post, I wanted to talk about behavior plans.  I have thought of a thousand different "whole class" (by class I mean all my students) behavior plans.  None of them quite work a small group setting.  To start the year, I made a chart with 5 colored pockets (green, blue, yellow, orange, red).  Everyone starts on green.  Blue is a warning.  Yellow, orange, and red mean increasing punishments (owing me time, behavior slip home to parents).  Each child had a popcycle stick with their name on it.  If they broke a rule, the moved their stick.  The problem is there were too many sticks, nobody could find their stick when they had to move it - the time and confusion it cost wasn't worth it.  My new plan is simple - 2 laminated sheets of paper.  1 will have a chart on it with room for names and then checks (the background for each column is in the same colors as the pocket chart.  As students misbehave, they recieve checks next to their names.  The second sheet (which I haven't made yet - I'm still phasing out the prize box) will have a title and thats it.  When students go above and beyond what I've asked them to do - they can write their name on the second sheet.  Those students will be able to choose from a few free options such as sharpening the pencils for everyone or filing for me or time on  I haven't worked all the kinks out of the positive reinforcements yet but I have a little time.  When it comes to behavior plans - keep it simple!
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