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Project Organization Phase 2: Student Records

For this project, you need to choose how you will keep student records as well as what you keep.  The what might determine the how.  You will use either binders or file folders to store your students records.  Choose what you are more comfortable with and what you think you can maintain.

Binder and dividers
File Folders and a crate or file cabinet

I currently keep student records in 2 different spots.  Each student has a number.  I have a set of numbered file folders, 2 for each student.  They are labeled with "Student Work Samples #" and "Student Documents #".  This system is easy for me because as I sort through my piles, I can simply toss the students work in their file folder.  Sorry the picture is blurry!

My other system is a binder for reading records.  I have a tabbed section for each student (also numbered).  In that section, I keep a cover sheet (fountas and pinnell running record recording sheets) which give me a quick glance at the students reading level progression.  Behind that I have their cafe menu and then their running records and fluency assessments.  

For some reason having these 2 systems seems to work for me.  Next year when I have to do set probes on a set schedule, I will use the binder system for everything.  From my experience, the items kept in the binder tend to be sequential and are ready to go for meetings. 

All you need to do is gather the work/documents you have now and file it into one of these systems.  This project isn't as visually pleasing as the first one, but the next time you have a meeting about a child you will feel the benefits of this!
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