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Essential Binders

Yesterday, I shared that I made my yearly binder and student info binder.  Today, I'm going to show you exactly how I set them up! A week or so ago, I was working on my binders when I saw a post from Bridget at Little Lovely Leaders and I saw her Yearly Binder.  It was too cute to not buy, not to mention it saved me a TON of time!   Everyone has been posting about having...

Monday Made It!

It's been a few weeks but I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics again for Monday Made It! I've been busy the last few weeks trying to get everything ready for school.  I didn't make anything ground breaking but I'm sharing anyways :)  The first thing I made is a quick IEP goal assessment.  Some of my kids are working on identifying numbers 1-25 so I made this little...

Freebie Friday!

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for the last day of teacher week...freebie Friday! Click the picture to link up with your freebie too.   Many people say that a class should create rules together.  It is easier to enforce rules that students made (it was their idea!) BUT many of us teachers want to have our rules in place before school starts.  I know I like to have my posters...

Communication Notebooks

I had a request to share how I set up my communication notebooks so here it is!  Many teachers use composition notebooks for this but I feel like that you are left with a half empty notebook at the end of the year.  I decided to go with folders.  I bought a gray sturdy plastic folder for each of my students (and a few extras).  I printed out a cute label that has each students...

My Top 5 Teacher Items

I realize that I'm a day late but yesterday was a rough day and I came home from school with a migraine (I was only there for 4 hours and students don't start until September! - not a good sign).   Anyways, these are items that have made my life so much better/easier that I wouldn't give them up!   I'm an iced-coffee girl.  I have one of these almost every (school) day. I...

Classroom Pictures Part 2

I've been spending a decent amount of time in my room lately.  I knew it would take a long time to get things in order but I've been there over 15 hours (with helpers...strong men helpers) and I'm not done!   So weeks ago I posted pictures of how I left my room in June.  Here's the cliffnotes for my new followers: Accepted a new position the last week of school (that teacher retired)...the...

Sneak-a-Peek at my B2S purchases!

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' to show you what I bought during my TPT back to school shopping I bought a TON of stuff to help get me through the first few months of school!  Between grad school and a new position, I need to be as prepared as possible. Okay so here's what I bought: First, most of my 2nd grade social studies curriculum is communities so I bought the Bubbly Blonde's...