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Classroom Tour Part 1

I spent a while in my classroom today and finished some small areas.  I still have a bunch of things to do but I'm REALLY trying to not just hide those random piles this year...I know you have those piles too!  I usually just hide them away and then get mad at myself when I find them a month into school.   Of course, I don't sort through the piles when I find them...I just walk...

First Week Math (freebie!)

Hi friends!  I wanted to share with you what I do for math the first week of school before the rest of you go back.  The first week of school is usually a short week for kids in my district.  I use the first few days to teach the rules and routines of the room.  I also want them to get comfortable and make friends.  I don't want anyone worrying about the work being too hard....

BTS Shopping Part 2

I had my cart full hours before the TPT sale started and once it did half the items I had in my cart weren't on sale so I looked around and found the most AMAZING items.  I'm actually happy that the original items I wanted weren't on sale now haha. Click on the pictures to be taken to the item.  Last year, I tried to do a typical word didn't work.  Word walls with just...

BTS Shopping Part 1 {50% off edition}

I am a shop-a-holic and I'm pretty sure I need to join a support group or something because I constantly buy things on TN and TPT.  Please tell me I'm not alone in this!  I think becuase I can buy things and they don't take up room in my house, I don't realize how much I'm buying haha...well at least until I start printing, laminating, and cutting! Today is the last day of the Teachers...

Back to School/Birthday Sale!

Hi friends!  It's almost time to go back to school (or maybe you just started school).  Either way, it's the perfect time to stock up for the new school year and to make things better, there are TONS of sales and amazing bundles on Teachers Notebook this weeekend.   To celebrate going back to school (and my Birthday which is Monday) everything in my store is 20% off! These...

Choose your adventure sub tub!

I am soooo excited to show you what I made this week! I FINALLY put my sub tub together {and sub binder}'s only been on my to do list for 4 years.   I've put this off because it is not easy to prep for a sub for any teacher but add in that all of my students have special needs and many have autism and do NOT respond to change well and planning for a sub becomes slightly more than...