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Monday Made It

I absolutely LOVE Monday Made It (Thanks Tara!) because even if I have done nothing all week, I always feel like I have to have something to share on Monday.  This week has not been a do-nothing week and this is what I've been doing:  This is my Where Am I? board.  I only have 7 students (so far) but there will be times when 4 of them are in 4 different locations.  I printed...

Sub Binder *Freebie*

I'm feeling a bit lost as far as what I should be doing to prep for September.  As a resource room teacher, I didn't have a lot to do over the summer but now I know that there is a TON to do and I'm not sure where to start!  I know that I'm taking my *LAST* grad class in September on top of managing a self contained classroom for the first time so I'm trying to get as much done in the summer...

Monday Made It

I'm linking up with Tara again for Monday Made It!  I am so glad she is doing this linky party because it pushes me to get at least 1 project done a week.   This week has been busy...last weekend I was on Long Island, this weekend I was in New Hampshire...I haven't had a ton of time to work on projects.  Anyways, this week I made mail boxes.  I already had these half done...

Monday Made It! & Behavior Management

I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!  Click the picture to join in!  This week I worked on my whole class behavior management plan and it's still a work in progress.  Here is what I have so far:  I'm using a clip chart next year, like many of you.  My levels are:  Incredible choices Ready to learn (where everyone will start) First...

Teaching Smart

I'm linking up with Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten to talk about Teaching Smart. (Click the picture to join in!) Here are my top 3 tips for teaching smart: 1. Use your summer!  As a new-ish teacher and a teacher switching positions, I know that if I don't spend a decent amount of time prepping and planning this summer, I will be totally overwhelmed in September.  There...

Word Wall

I have always had small or shared classrooms so I never had enough room for a word wall.  I also had a wide variety of students (K-5) so figuring out what kind of words to put up was a challenge.  Next year, however, I will have all 2nd and 3rd graders who are with me all day :D  A word wall is a must for next year so I made some word wall letters to go with my color scheme.  I'm...

Follow the Road to Freebies!

Happy International Blog Hopping day! I'm linking up with Kreative in Kinder to share some freebies with you (these are actually just old blog posts, visit my TN store for more freebies)!  Click the picture below to join in!  I created a few forms that I wanted to update and I thought I'd share them with you.  The first one is a parent contact form.   The second one is...

Target Find

Yesterday, I was going through the 2nd & 3rd grade curriculum(s) and combining them into 1 document for myself since I'll be responsible for both next year.  Then I started looking through Teachers Notebook and Teachers Pay Teachers and added a TON of products to my favorites (I would be purchasing but I need to see my students first - these may be way too hard for them).  Anyways,...

Monday Made It

I'm so excited to join all of you for Monday made it!  I know that summer is going to go by way to quickly. Hopefully, this will help me get my to do list done..or at least shorter (I'm realistic)! I do not have a bulletin board outside my classroom but I want to display student work. Naturally I turned to pinterest for ideas and decided to make a duct tape quilt! It was surprisingly...

Currently July

I am linking up with Farley for her July Currently Linky!  (Is it really July already?!) Can you tell that I'm all over the place with my thoughts right now?!  My head is swirling with remodeling projects, getting ready for a new position that I am totally unprepared for, and lots of catching up on tv shows :)  I just realized that I forgot to announce the winner of my giveaway!...