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Clutter Free Classroom Catch Up & freebie!

I haven't been keeping up with the Clutter Free Classroom project but I have been busy organizing!  Week 8's challenge was organizing and storing thematic units.  A few days ago, I posted about the new containers I bought.  Here one is with it's label: I don't do thematic units but I'm using these bins to store all the wonderful resources I get from all of you as well as seasonal...

1 hour Delay!

Today we had our first one hour delay!  We have had NO snow days or delays (until now) this year and it is making these winter months feel looonnnggg.  So what did I do during my extra hour?  Naturally, I went here: and bought this (among other things): I can't resist polka dots!  I also grabbed Starbucks of course!  When I got to school, I realized there is an assembly...

Strategy Sunday: Error Detection

I have been going through all of my grad school notes and finding a lot of reading strategies that I had forgotten about.  I thought I would share some of the strategies here in case any of you could use them.   Today's strategy is called Error Detection.   Purpose: To help students develop self-correction strategies - the words need to look right AND make sense.  Materials: -Familiar...

Pinterest Update

I had a Reading/Writing board on Pinterest and I decided to separate them into two boards.  Now I have a new Writing board.  I will be deleting the writing pins from the Reading board soon so make sure you go follow the new writing board!  Enjoy your Mond...

3 Year Portfolio

As I said in an earlier post, I have a lot of stuff going on right now, including a portfolio.  Misty from Think, Wonder, & Teach asked me to post what is in my portfolio.  I'm hoping writing this post will give me the inspiration/motivation to finish it! (Sorry - some pics are sideways and I don't know how to turn them) As a part of the tenure & mentor process, we were asked...

Center Organization

If you are like me, you have collected hundreds of freebies and activities from blogs.  I have quite a collection of holiday-themed games laying around now and I wasn't really sure how to store them.  I keep all my centers in  9x12 envelopes as many of you do.  I'm not sure if this is my favorite way to keep all the pieces together but it's not not working so I'm sticking with...

Terrible Blogger

I feel like I've been a terrible blogger lately!  These have been the craziest few weeks ever.  In a span of about 2-3 weeks I've had to write 10 IEP's, go to 10 CSE meetings, set up and attend 3 parent meetings, write 40 progress notes, fill out forms for my midyear evaluation, and do a write up about how my yearly goal is progressing.  Throw 2 grad classes, an observation, and tenure...

I've been tagged!

Thank you to Kara at Sped-ventures for awarding me the Liebster Blog Award!! I've been tagged by Kim at Joy in 6th AND Ms. D at The Superlative Six AND Haley at Following Optimism!    Here are the rules: 1. You must post the rules. 2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for...