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Editing Checklist

I have searched and searched for an editing checklist that might work for all of my students (2nd -5th graders). Nothing seemed to work so I finally decided to just make my own.  After I made one with a notebook paper background, I got inspiration for another one which I now LOVE (I guess I am a little biased). I posted them up on my Teachers Notebook store.         Click...

Daily Objective Posters

At every staff meeting so far this year, we have heard "subtle" suggestions to post our lesson objectives in our rooms.  I finally got around to making them this week and I hung them up today.  Here is how it looks: After laminating, I hot-glued the sheets to a ribbon and then I glued everything to the wall.  They hang right above the finished work basket, next to the students cubbies....

Introduction to Problem Solving

My districts math focus this year is on problem solving.  Students who struggle with math typically REALLY struggle with problem solving.  I have just spent the first 3 weeks of my AIS math groups introducing problem solving. To make it a little more fun, I created a problem solving bulletin board for my students to use. Each work mat is a step in the problem solving process. I...

5 Minute Drills & a Freebie

The way the new New York State IEP's are, I have to probe (assess) my students progress frequently.  For my students who have a goal of solving # of basic facts in x minutes, I assess every 2 weeks.  Some of the students only need 40 addition facts, some need 100.  I don't want to have to make different probes for every student, especially when I have 37 now!  I figured the easiest...

Phonics Comics

I recently found a series of comic books called Phonics Comics.  The books are grouped into 3 levels - 1, 2 and 3.  They are also Fountas and Pinnell leveled.  I ordered 16 books from Amazon (I think I got a little carried away).  The level 1 books I ordered are level F and G.  My level 2 books range from H to J and the level 3 books range from K to M.  Each book has...

Amazing Day!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.  Life has been crazy to say the least.  Today was such a great day though that I had to share.  I finally got some of my assessments done...I made a few pocket games...Two of my students who really struggle with reading moved up a reading level today! And one student had a MAJOR light bulb moment.  After over a year, yes a YEAR, of working...

Teacher Shoes

I'm joining in on the teacher shoes linky party hosted by Cardigans and Curriculum!  This is a fantastic idea because who doesn't love shoes?!  I'm a flats girl...I love the idea of wearing heals but, let's face it, they are not practical for our profession.  Here are some of the shoes I wear at work: Flats for typical school days and Uggs during fall and winter dress down days. I...

Literature Circles

As of right now, I have 35 students!  I have a group of fifth grade boys who need to work on comprehension so I immediately thought of doing literature circles.  I had no packets that were appropriate for them so I decided to make my own.  My rules and behavior chart are in a space theme so I made the packet in a space theme as well. I chose roles that require students to write summaries,...

Closure, Assessments, and Management Oh My!

This year, my principals have made it clear that our lesson plans must have:1. A clear objective2. Details on how the students will reach that objective and3. An assessment that matches the objective When observing lessons they want to see:1. A hook2. Modeling3. Guided Practice4. Independent Practice5. Closure6. Assessmentand obviously, a caring learning environment with good classroom management. ...

Rounding & Teachers Notebook Store

My students were struggling with the concept of rounding last week.  I created a rounding roller coaster sheet to help the kids visualize the rounding process.  The roller coaster has spots for students to write their numbers on it to see if they are rounding up or down.  I liked the sheet so much, I ran to Target on Sunday and bought a laminator so I could use it today.  It was...