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A Place for Everything

With the thought of being out on maternity leave, I am more determined than ever to get organized this year!  I know that paper piles up so quickly the second students show up (and even before) so I'm starting with creating a spot for every paper.  I stuck with the paper items that show up with students...not curriculum materials. I made a little checklist to help myself.  Feel free...

Organizing Student Data

Pregnancy and I are not friends.  If I'm not sick, I'm sleeping!  It makes it very hard to get ready for school, let alone blog about it!  I was motivated today to setup my Student Data Binder so I'm going to share with you exactly how I did it!  It was pretty quick and easy once everything was printed. This is my binder & cover (it has to have a cute cover right?!) When...

Star Homework & Freebie!

I am not a fan of homework.  My dislike has nothing do with whether or not it is basically comes down to management.  Coming up with assignments for 3 grade levels each night, copying the work, getting the assignments written in an agenda, all just to have maybe 1 student do it.  Then what?  Do I go over it when nobody did it?  Should I punish the kids who...

I'm still here!!

What a year!  I've taken a big break from blogging for a lot of personal reasons.  I usually stick to just school topics but I wanted to share a few things.  First, I got married!  Dave and I have been together 10 years this July and we've been engaged for 6 years...yup 6 years!  We are not center of attention people and we are terrible dancers...traditional weddings were...

New Teacher Binder!

I am so excited to show you guys my new teacher binder!  I made a meal plan binder cover that I fell in love with so much that I HAD to make a teacher binder set to match.   So join me on a tour of my teacher binder(s)!  My first binder is my planning binder. It's hard to tell but there is a blue background outside of the printer isn't printing the blues well :( In...

April Currently!

I'm linking up with Farley for her April Currently! Listening...I am never home alone and if I am, the tv is on or someone is calling me.  For the first time in a long time, I'm alone and it's quiet :)  Loving...the idea of adding a sand/water table to my room!  I was going to write a grant for one but a co-worker has one that she doesn't use so she is *probably* going to give...

Guided Math Made Easy: Practice Path

We are almost to the end of of my Guided Math Made Easy series! Practice Path is the last of my 4 stations and it's my favorite!  This is the station that gets totally blown out of control when it comes to management and set up.  To me, this is where I truly make Guided Math easy! When students are working on Practice Path, they are working on math station games.  I have seen...

Guided Math Made Easy: Computer Cabin

Welcome back to my Guided Math Made Easy series!   Today's post is all about my Computer Cabin station! This station can take as much or as little time and thought as you'd like.  If you are just starting out, I would do the bare minimum and come back to it after you are comfortable with the other stations.  Technology can be overwhelming because there is so much you can...