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Classroom Rugs

This is a super short post but I had to share this with all of the chevron-obsessed teachers out there!  I was in Lowes grabbing some things for my mini bathroom makeover and I saw this rug: Here is a better picture of the color:  It was between $20-$30. They also had a green one at my store. So if you're looking for a cute chevron rug, try Lowe...

Blog Lovin'

I'm going to be honest and say that I have no idea how google reader going away will affect me but since I don't want to miss out on any of your wonderful blogs, I joined Blog Lovin'.  It was super easy and took about 30 seconds (seriously).  It even imported all of the blogs I follow for me.  When you have a Blog Lovin' account, click the link below to make sure you are following...

Lining Up & Lesson Plans

This is my first official Monday of summer!!  I am so excited to have time to link up with Tara's Monday Made it again! My class had no trouble lining up last year UNTIL we got a new student who just.couldn'  Everytime we lined up, he had an issue.  Someone got in front of him or he got in front of someone else or someone isn't lining up fast enough.  It drove me nuts!...

Ten Pin LInky: Classroom Management

I'm linking up with Ashley again for her 10 pin linky!  This weeks topic is Classroom management.  Without further ado, here are my top 10 classroom managment pins (in random order, click the pictures to be taken to the source): 1.  I really like this reflection page for kids who go to the cool down spot.  It uses a lot of pictures which is great for all kids who are upset...

School's Out!

Today was my offical last day!  The kids left before lunch on Wednesday and the rest of the week was spent moving into my new room.  Moving cabinets, desks, bookshelves, and all our materials downstairs was exhausting!  If the pool was warm enough, that's where I'd be right now but our weather has been oddly cold this year so instead, I'm thinking of ideas for next year.   Teaching...

Classroom Decor Linky!!

I'm linking up with Ashley from Just Reed for the Ten Pin Linky!  This week is all about Classroom Decor. Click the picture to join in!  Here are my top 10 classroom decor pins in no particular order:  1. Tire Seats for a reading area {so cute!} This would go great with the Schoolgirl Style road trip theme. 2. This Quote to keep on my desk {Free Printable} 3. I'm...


So I mentioned previously that I would have new grade levels next year and I FINALLY know what they are!  I will teach 1st, 2nd, and 3rd next year!!  I'm SO excited! and nervous because tha'ts 3 grade levels....3.  If you have any advice on teaching 3 grade levels, please leave a comment :)  This has been a CRAZY week.  On Wednesday, my second graders had a musical and...

June Currently

I'm linkin up with Farley for the June Currently Linky! I am SO excited for summer but I still have 13 days left of school :(  Don't get me wrong, I love my class and my job but everyone is so done!   If this is your last week, enjoy your last few days with your class! &nbs...