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2014: The year of Balance

Hi friends...I'm declaring 2014 the year of Balance for me.  The word "Balance" sort of covers everything I want to accomplish in the new year and it's something I was obviously lacking this year (I think I've posted like twice all school year!). In 2013, I spent WAY too much time at school, WAY too much time online and not enough time with family and friends or exercising or just relaxing!...

Just add dice Sub Tub!

Would you like a sub tub that only needs to be printed once and you can use every time you are out for years to come? I blogged about my sub tub in the summer.  I was waiting to get to know my kids before making copies for each reading/math group. Well, I got to know my class and more than half of them are non-readers so I threw my plans out the window and decided to start again.   I...

Who doesn't love a good deal?!

Hello readers!  Teachers spend WAY too much money on their classrooms and Teachers Notebook & Teachers Pay Teachers don't help because I want to buy SO.MANY.THINGS.  I think I need an intervention!  Since I have a shopping problem when it comes to all things school, it's so nice to save some money. Did you know that Walmart will donate to your room?  Last year, they donated...

Starting Math Groups

**It's the last day to enter my giveaway!! Make sure you do it before midnight! I hear from a lot of teachers that they struggle with doing guided math groups.  I LOVE the way my math time runs so I'm going to share with you how I start it.  I have 3 groups (1 per grade level) so I have 3 stations.  1. Teacher Time (math lesson) 2. Seat Work (independent practice from the math lesson) 3....

First week down & Currently!

My class is so stinkin' cute!  I wish I could show you pictures of them but I can't...confidentiality and all that.  I have 7 boys and 3 girls (for my new followers, it's a special ed room with a limit of 12 students).  They are so well behaved which is a HUGE relief because we had some issues on day 1.  I have a student who is coming from a behavior program and he did NOT want...

Back to School Bash!

Hi friends!  To celebrate making it through the first week of school the start of an awesome school year, I'm having a giveaway!  There are 3 different prizes you can win!   First up is a year long subscription to!  I love love love  I've blogged about it a few times.  You can check out my latest post here.  If you are not completely...

How do you plan?

I feel like I never have time to plan.  My planning times (the few I had last year) always seem to be spent dealing with meltdowns (of my students and/or co-workers haha) or some other crazy problem or new form we need to fill out.  By the time I did have time to plan, my brain was done. This summer, I started doing some long range planning and I was using pinterest a lot...the only...

Classroom Tour Part 1

I spent a while in my classroom today and finished some small areas.  I still have a bunch of things to do but I'm REALLY trying to not just hide those random piles this year...I know you have those piles too!  I usually just hide them away and then get mad at myself when I find them a month into school.   Of course, I don't sort through the piles when I find them...I just walk...

First Week Math (freebie!)

Hi friends!  I wanted to share with you what I do for math the first week of school before the rest of you go back.  The first week of school is usually a short week for kids in my district.  I use the first few days to teach the rules and routines of the room.  I also want them to get comfortable and make friends.  I don't want anyone worrying about the work being too hard....

BTS Shopping Part 2

I had my cart full hours before the TPT sale started and once it did half the items I had in my cart weren't on sale so I looked around and found the most AMAZING items.  I'm actually happy that the original items I wanted weren't on sale now haha. Click on the pictures to be taken to the item.  Last year, I tried to do a typical word didn't work.  Word walls with just...