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What a crazy few weeks!  I feel like I have barely had time to sleep, let alone post - sorry!  I'm still in the middle of state testing and end-of-semester grad school projects so this is going to be a quick post.  I was cleaning out my files on my school computer and I found some "formal" lesson plans.  This one I did with 3rd graders to help them with predictions.  It uses...

Tax Break Sale!

Today is the last day of spring break for also happens to be tax day!  I'm celebrating (having 1 day left of break) with a Tax Break Sale!  Everything in my Teachers Notebook Store is 15% off today.  Click on the picture to go to my store!  I know this says TPT not TN...I'd change it but I'm trying to finish my grad school thesis :( Enjoy!&nb...

I've been Tagged!

Marcia from Learning in Bliss tagged me!  She just did a really cool wax museum project with her kids - you should check it out!  Here are her questions for me:  1. What is your favorite holiday project for your classroom? *I forgot to answer this one before posting - oops!  Honestly, I don't have a favorite holiday seems like everyday I see more ideas on Pinterest...

Peek at my Week(s)...

This is such a crazy time for all of us NY teachers!  We are officially on spring break today!! Our state tests start the day after we come back (thanks to whoever made that schedule!) so the last few weeks have been spent on test-prep and making packets for kids to do over the break so they don't lose everything we have done over the last 3 quarters.  I can only stand so much test prep...