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Pinterest Ideas

How did we ever live without pinterest?  I find so many great ideas there.  Seriously, pinterest and blogger have made me a MUCH better teacher! Here are my latest pinterest finds: Laminated envelopes to hold finished work, organized by assignment?  Genius!  I will be making one of these for each group I see.  These would be so easy to make and great for building number...

Reader's Notebook, Giveaway, & linky party

I've been searching for the perfect reader's notebook to use with my kids.  Everything that I'm finding is way to customized.  I want my students to write about the strategies they are using when they read but I don't want to use post-it notes with my students because I don't get to send home supply lists and I can't supply enough sticky-notes for 35 kids to use all year.  I...

The Resource(ful) Room!

Amy over at The Resource(ful) Room awarded me the Sunshine award!  I can't tell you how excited I am to receive this award!  If you haven't been to Amy's blog, make sure you check it out.  She is always sharing a ton of cute ideas/materials!  The "rules" for the Sunshine award are: 1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it. 2. Answer the following...