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Room # 2 Progress Pics

I went into school #2 today.  I spend more of my work days there but I share that room so my space is more limited.  I think our room layout is finally done.  Today, I spent my time organizing my shelves and reading/math carts and making copies.  Here are the pictures: This is the view of my room from the door.  My desk is straight back under the shelves.  The large bookshelf...

Small Group Anecdotal Notes & Vacation Work

In 7 days I go back to work.  Summer has been great and I really don't want to start setting my alarm again but I am ready to start working with kids.  Mentally at least.  Right now, I don't have a list of my students.  I have no schedule (because I have no kids) and therefore I have no lesson plans ready.  Since I can't write lessons, I decided to work on some forms I will...

Word Problem Organizer & Behavior Chart (free!)

I was having a hard time finding a freebie during teacher week because I couldn't upload any of my documents.  Well I fixed the problem and now I have something more for you!  In New York, our math tests want students to explain how they got their answers.  This is not easy for kids!  I created this organizer for students to use when solving word problems.  It is two sided...

Free for All Friday

Today is the last day of teacher week over at I'm Blog Hoppin.  I have found many new blogs to follow and ideas to try this week!  I'm very excited for today because it is free for all Friday! Unfortunately, I am having an extremely hard time uploading anything to google docs.  It changes everything I upload (fonts, spacing, etc).  I did finally get one thing to work so I guess...

Three for Thursday

As you know, Blog Hoppin is having teacher week and today is three for Thursday (favorite font, blog, & online resource).  There is no way I could pick just one font, blog, and resource so I tried my best to narrow it down! I believe all of these were from Kevin and Amanda.  Favorite Blog(s)     Favorite Online Resource For classroom ideas I love pinterest!   My...

Where it all goes down Wednesday

Everyone seems to be linking up with Blog Hoppin' for teacher week!  Today's topic is where it all goes down - the classroom.  I'm not finished setting up my rooms but I took pictures the last week of school.  I'll be showing a mix of last years finished rooms and my current unfinished rooms.  This is my area.  I know a lot of people say the teacher takes up too much...

Teacher Talk Tuesday (Advice for new teachers)

I'm joining in on Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin' and today is Teacher Talk Tuesday, more specifically advice for new teachers.  As mentioned previously, I am just starting to not feel like a new teacher anymore.  Here is what I wish someone told me two years ago: 1. Don't go to your mailbox unless you have time to take care of anything that might be in there.  On the first day...

Meet the Teacher Monday

I'm joining in on Meet the Teacher Monday over at Blog Hoppin'  .  I'm very tired tonight so I'm sorry if my answers seem random confusing!  I am excited to get to know all of you!  * * * * *Tell us a little something about you... My name is Becky and I am a traveling resource room teacher.  I recently bought a house with my fiance (I say recently but it's been about...

Projects Progress

I have been productive the past few days!    Here's what I've done so far:  I LOVED the Lator Gator board idea.  Since I'm in 2 buildings - I made two gators!  Burlap fish - I hot glued them instead of sewing and they are staying together :) This is the beginning of the rocket for the hallway bulletin board at school # 2.  I'm going to paint it tomorrow.  I've...

My "Before School Starts" to do list

There are some super cute ideas floating around on different blogs right now.  I have to narrow down what projects I want to make before school starts and what can wait until later because there are just too many adorable ideas out there!   Here are the projects I am definitely doing before school starts:

The Later Gator as a follow up board.  When students need re-teaching at a later time or when students need new spacer paper journals etc... LOVE this!  If only I can get D (fiance) to draw it for me!

The Best Beehavior Catalog is used instead of a prize box.  I love this so much I stayed up until 2 am re-creating my own!  Next are the class rules that go with this theme. 

The Five Bee Promise is a set of 5 classroom rules.  See all five of her bee's by clicking the link.  After I finish this post and my paper, I'm going to the basement to find all my yellow scrapbooking paper!

Burlap Fish are ADORABLE! I bought burlap at the fabric store and cut out the fish.  I just need to sew them and stuff them!

Common Core Objectives posters.  I'm making headings with my group names and using IEP goals instead of common core standards. 

Birthday Balloons attached to pixie sticks!  Twice this year, I had a student in my room who wasn't my student to do a review math lesson and it just happened to be that students birthday.  My schools give birthday pencils out during morning announcements so another pencil doesn't seem special.  This is the perfect thing to have on hand!  I'm going to Sam's club in a few weeks to get the pixie sticks.

I found this story map on Pinterest and it doesn't have a link to the actual website it was found on (if it's yours let me know!)  I think this is super cute and I love using post-it-notes (I'd laminate the post it notes onto the board permanently).  I would also like to make guided reading discussion questions on Popsicle sticks but I haven't found the right questions yet. 

Problem Solving Board is going to be essential because I am focusing my math lessons on real-world problem solving - not just memorizing facts.

A Touch Point Number Line is a must for an elementary resource room!

Luckily, I have started many of these already (fish are cut out, bday balloons are printed, poster headings are made) but I still have a lot left to finish.  I also need to set up my lesson plan binder (I entered all important dates into last night) and my probes binders.  I need to finish my paper so I can get back to work on these lovely projects.  Thank you to all the ladies who posted there amazing ideas for the rest of us to find and "steal"! 


Classroom Set up

I went into classroom #1 today for a short time (1 1/2 hours).  I'm lucky because in my district, the custodians draw a layout of your room and pin it to a bulletin board.  When they finish cleaning it, they put the furniture back the way you had it.  Teachers can also draw a new layout and they will follow that plan.  I didn't draw a new layout so I just moved a...