There are some super cute ideas floating around on different blogs right now. I have to narrow down what projects I want to make before school starts and what can wait until later because there are just too many adorable ideas out there! Here are the projects I am definitely doing before school starts:
The Later Gator as a follow up board. When students need re-teaching at a later time or when students need new spacer paper journals etc... LOVE this! If only I can get D (fiance) to draw it for me!
The Best Beehavior Catalog is used instead of a prize box. I love this so much I stayed up until 2 am re-creating my own! Next are the class rules that go with this theme.
The Five Bee Promise is a set of 5 classroom rules. See all five of her bee's by clicking the link. After I finish this post and my paper, I'm going to the basement to find all my yellow scrapbooking paper!
Burlap Fish are ADORABLE! I bought burlap at the fabric store and cut out the fish. I just need to sew them and stuff them!
Common Core Objectives posters. I'm making headings with my group names and using IEP goals instead of common core standards.
Birthday Balloons attached to pixie sticks! Twice this year, I had a student in my room who wasn't my student to do a review math lesson and it just happened to be that students birthday. My schools give birthday pencils out during morning announcements so another pencil doesn't seem special. This is the perfect thing to have on hand! I'm going to Sam's club in a few weeks to get the pixie sticks.
I found this story map on Pinterest and it doesn't have a link to the actual website it was found on (if it's yours let me know!) I think this is super cute and I love using post-it-notes (I'd laminate the post it notes onto the board permanently). I would also like to make guided reading discussion questions on Popsicle sticks but I haven't found the right questions yet.
Problem Solving Board is going to be essential because I am focusing my math lessons on real-world problem solving - not just memorizing facts.
Luckily, I have started many of these already (fish are cut out, bday balloons are printed, poster headings are made) but I still have a lot left to finish. I also need to set up my lesson plan binder (I entered all important dates into last night) and my probes binders. I need to finish my paper so I can get back to work on these lovely projects. Thank you to all the ladies who posted there amazing ideas for the rest of us to find and "steal"!