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Just a quick piece of advice, at the beginning of the year find out when the marking periods end (aka when progress notes are due) and see if you can find out when annual reviews take place.  Make sure you plan enough time before these dates to assess students progress again.  I like to have the most up-to-date information for progress notes otherwise I feel like I'm forgetting something. ...

Behavior Plan

To follow up the prize box post, I wanted to talk about behavior plans.  I have thought of a thousand different "whole class" (by class I mean all my students) behavior plans.  None of them quite work a small group setting.  To start the year, I made a chart with 5 colored pockets (green, blue, yellow, orange, red).  Everyone starts on green.  Blue is a warning. ...

Prize Box...

...Don't have one!  We teach in small groups.  90% of our students don't have behavior issues and therefore the prize box is just one more thing to manage.  I didn't manage my prize box well last year so I thought that I should create a structure and criteria for it this year - I made it worse!  I was giving the students tickets to reward good behavior.  The majority of the...

Goal Sheets

As resource room teachers, we do not have a curriculum to guide our lessons - we have IEP's.  In order to write focused lessons, you need to keep the IEP goals in mind while planning.  I have recently created a quick and easy form in Word to keep track of them.  I create a table for each student.  The first column holds all of the goals.  I have 15 boxes next to each goal ...

Free Easy Printable Centers

As a resource room teacher, we do not have text books.  We don't have a set curriculum (besides IEP Goals).  I am constantly printing out worksheets that nobody uses because they needed help with a class project instead of the review day I've scheduled.  Of course, when I am expecting the classroom teacher to send work, they don't and I'm left trying to figure out plans in the 30 seconds...